for jessi! :)
i got my haircut...yes thats right...different style and everything... fun stuff! so here is a pic right after the salon (so its never going to look like this again!) but its kind of fun! :)
so in other news....studying is going as well as it can...i guess...
i have 7 days left and each one of those days has either a practical or final exam on it - oh joy!
i love my program but i really just want 2nd year to be done!
i am getting pretty excited about going home!...mostly to actually start focusing on Dana's wedding! (heehee!)
its going to be really weird leaving windsor though. i mean it has been 2 incredible years and i don't think it has quite hit just how different it will be to not come 'home' to my roomies! i already had to say goodbye to Christine (who finished today!) and that was hard...i just keep thinking that i will be back here in sept. and then it hits "no wait, i won't be" ...crazy! two years have gone by way too fast!! having said that though, i am totally excited about placement and the fact that my new 'roomies' will be Jess, Garnet and Timothy! :) :) big changes - but oh the fun!!! :)
anyway, here are some more pics from the last few weeks...they are up on my msn space but blogger is actually being good to me today...:)
so things have been good here. i am learning a knew perspective of God, that He talks so faithfully through whispers. i have been feeling like Elijah when he knew God was in the wind and not always in the thunder (1 Kings 17-19). i was getting so distracted by wanting to see God work. i seem to think that the only way God can show His presence is by the big things...but i forgot that sometimes i need to just stop and breathe and just know. Just know that even when i can't 'see' or 'feel' God , i have the peace to realize that He is still there - forever faithful, forever working, forever Holy.
Psalm 46:10a "Be still (cease striving) and know that I am God."