Tuesday, February 21, 2006

its only tuesday...

so here i am sitting in front of my computer, thinking i should get right into studying again, but desperatly needing a good excuse to not! this is my exam week...5 midterms in 5 days...and its only tuesday...*sigh*. i just finished hematology and it went ok, tomorrow is microbiology - that is always fun!
its interesting because i think i would love school that much more if i didn't have to sit down and cram all this info into my head just to write a test! so its not the content that i am procrastinating from its the idea of a test. that may be confusing, but its hard to explain....
i really do love school though! it absolutely fascinates me!! and i am not being sarcastic - really! its just exciting to really learn about all the intricate design in our bodies...call me a science nerd - but the stuff i am learning just blows my mind!
as part of my studying habits i have to listen to music and i have realized that "Shane and Shane" are perfect for the background songs....the only 'problem' i have encountered is that i would rather just listen to them than read....BUT sometimes thats a good thing. i mean, i am studying the intricate design of the human body, and i believe that The Almighty God created the body with design and purpose, they sing about this Almighty God and i sing with them....therefore it all works together! :)
anyway i am justing wanting to finish the week off well!

so a few things:
i had a break from studying on sat; in the morning to go for a walk with the girls and in the evening to have a dance party with some friends from MI.
here is the pic of the walk...Jen's site talks about the dance party (it was interesting!:)!!)
it was SOOO cold!!

also...Jessi and Garnet bought a house!!!! How fun is that! i really hope that i get into Sarnia for placement! Tim already told me i could have the blue room! lol :) i cannot wait to see them this weekend! its been way too long!
here is a pic i found (and love) it just reminds me of how goofy my Tim is! lol!
lol...fun times!

anyway, i just finished supper and a nice game of rook with the girls...so now i think its time to hit the books! ...anaerobes here i come! lol

Acts 17:24-28
"The God who made the world and all things in it,
since He is Lord of heaven and earth,
does not dwell in temples made with hands;
nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything,
since He Himself gives to all people life
and breath
and all things;
and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth,
having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation,
that they would seek God,
if perhaps they might grope for Him
and find Him,
though He is not far from each one of us;
for in Him we live
and move
and exist,
as even some of your own poets have said, "For we also are His children.' "

Good night!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Happy 2* th Jessi!!!!!

its my big sister’s birthday today. And i want to wish you, Jessi, the best day ever!
i am very spoiled to have you as a big sister, best friend, and mentor. You have always been there for me – whether it is to comfort me in disappointments (like volleyball!), laugh with me in our goofy times (and there are plenty of those!), or rebuke me in order to make me a better person (i’m so sorry). You are an excellent role model as a friend, wife and mother. And i love that i have been blessed so much in my life by watching you grow, and learn and love.
i have never been strong in expressing things in words (you got those genes!) but i just want you to know much i love and respect you… and how its not just on special days like this that i feel this way!

Have a fantastic day! and year! and don't worry - you are still young! ;)
All my love hon!
*hugs and kisses*,
your little sister! :)

aren't we just adorable! :)


Monday, February 06, 2006

there and back again!

what a crazy road trip! but oh what fun!! :)
Jen and i drove Michelle and Christine home (Guelph) this weekend and continued our trip all the way up to the (literal!) Great White North (North Bay)! Jen had planned it for a while but it was a bit of a surprize to me (until i guessed it this week..lol). so i got to surprize a few people up there while i visited with family and friends, and Jen got to see the Buchanans (the family she stayed with while she was at school). It was really nice!! But i am exhausted!!
The weather was insane!! almost a foot of snow over-night on sat. so Jake, dad and i had a nice family shovelling time bright and early on sunday morning!

and sunday afternoon some people came for lunch after church... it was fantastic! :)

miss you all already!!

well...all in all it was an amazing trip! Good times and good talks with friends and my family! :)
and another incredible road trip with my Jen! ;)

(this was before the snow storm got really bad!)
and p.s this snow storm lasted pretty much from 30 mins outside North Bay all the way to Chatham...it was so stressful - but Jen did an excellent job of driving and God graciously brought us home safely!
alright...i'm out...i need to get alot of work done tonight and get to bed early!

1 Corinthians 1:3-5 "Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given you in Christ Jesus, that in everything you were enriched in Him, in all speech and all knowledge..."