Wednesday, April 26, 2006

for jessi! :)

so i figured if i wasn't going to let you do this jess, then i guess i should!.... ;)
i got my haircut...yes thats right...different style and everything... fun stuff! so here is a pic right after the salon (so its never going to look like this again!) but its kind of fun! :)

so in other news....studying is going as well as it can...i guess...
i have 7 days left and each one of those days has either a practical or final exam on it - oh joy!
i love my program but i really just want 2nd year to be done!
i am getting pretty excited about going home!...mostly to actually start focusing on Dana's wedding! (heehee!)
its going to be really weird leaving windsor though. i mean it has been 2 incredible years and i don't think it has quite hit just how different it will be to not come 'home' to my roomies! i already had to say goodbye to Christine (who finished today!) and that was hard...i just keep thinking that i will be back here in sept. and then it hits "no wait, i won't be" ...crazy! two years have gone by way too fast!! having said that though, i am totally excited about placement and the fact that my new 'roomies' will be Jess, Garnet and Timothy! :) :) big changes - but oh the fun!!! :)
anyway, here are some more pics from the last few weeks...they are up on my msn space but blogger is actually being good to me today...:)

random fun with Jeff and Jen!

ultimate frisbee!!

saying goodbye to Christine..:(

so things have been good here. i am learning a knew perspective of God, that He talks so faithfully through whispers. i have been feeling like Elijah when he knew God was in the wind and not always in the thunder (1 Kings 17-19). i was getting so distracted by wanting to see God work. i seem to think that the only way God can show His presence is by the big things...but i forgot that sometimes i need to just stop and breathe and just know. Just know that even when i can't 'see' or 'feel' God , i have the peace to realize that He is still there - forever faithful, forever working, forever Holy.

Psalm 46:10a "Be still (cease striving) and know that I am God."

Thursday, April 13, 2006

do you ever wonder if our sin is ever too much for God to handle?? do you ever wonder if He will just give up on you because you return over and over again to the same things in your life that are so opposite to what you should be a part of?? do you ever get so frustrated with the distance between you and God and wonder why He isn't answering??...and then do you realize you are too stubborn to think maybe its me that isn't answering?? ... just some questions...

beautiful God - Romans 5:6-11

closer to Your throne, i'm crawling
i blew it on my own, but You're calling
welcoming me home, and i wonder
what could You be thinking?

beautiful God, i did not surprise You
or catch Your off guard when i disobeyed You
i know i deserve a life without You
but there Your are with open arms,
beautiful God

deep inside my heart You see
each deceptive part, but Your love me
and i cannot believe Your mercy
and how do You do that?

beautiful God...

oh, Your grace overwhelms me
like a river floods the plains
oh, Your mercy washes over me
i sing, "Holy is Your name!"

beautiful God...

breathe that in....He is God, i am not; He is faithful, i am not...

Romans 5:8-10
"...But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him. For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life..."
*justified - judicially our sins were taken care of
*reconciled - brought back to the place we ought to be at; with God

...just some thoughts...

things here are good. i had a great weekend at Downpour! school is exceptionally busy, but i am enjoying it...and i found out that i am definitly in placement in Sarnia (starting in august)!!!! i am so excited!! - it will be different (right Jess!?lol) but i am really looking forward to it! :)
i have added pictures to my MSN space...check it out :)
anyway, thats all i have to say tonight... goodnight all!